We are conveniently located off PGA Blvd between the Gardens Mall and Downtown at the Gardens
3502 Kyoto Gardens Dr Suite B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Directions from I-95
- Follow I-95N to exit 79A (PGA Blvd East)
- After approximately 1 mile, take your first left onto Lake Victoria Gardens Dr
- Take your first right onto Kyoto Gardens Dr
- Take your first right onto Grand Bank Way and the building will be on your immediate right.
Directions for Florida Turnpike
- Follow FL Turnpike to exit 109 (PGA Blvd)
- Turn left off the exit to head east on PGA Blvd
- After approximately 3 miles, take your first left onto Lake Victoria Gardens Dr
- Take your first right onto Kyoto Gardens Dr
- Take your first right onto Grand Bank Way and the building will be on your immediate right.
Directions from the East
- Follow PGA Blvd west
- Turn right past mall onto Fairchild Gardens Ave
- Take your first left onto Kyoto Gardens Dr
- Take your first left onto Grand Bank Way and the building will be on your immediate right.